Sunday, May 2, 2010

I set up this gps thing

And you can track my treck via
I ping'd it once while over the ocean, I'll try to do it more once I'm
in PNG, which I assume will be the only contact I have after I'm in.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Much (of you) to be thankful for and I'm only in LAx

I've maybe never felt more loved in my life (which ilike) than in the weeks leading up to this trip. People have txt'd, IM'd, facebooked, tweeted, stopped by my house, stopped me in church, at school, and even in the airport to pray for me and let me know that they will be continuing to prAy... And right before I got on the plane, one
more person called to pray for me, I am blessed by you.
It's been a stressful week, and I've probably been pretty wierd and distracted, so sorry if you had to experience that, but I'm on my way now and it's starting to sink in, of course it doesn't hurt that half the dudes around this terminal are walking around
dressed like Indiana jones.
I should be at my final destination in a few days, after about 5-6 more stops.
Btw I got this SPOT gps tracking device, I'm not sure how it works, but if I do figure it out you should be able trace my steps trough PNG via google maps.
