Monday, October 11, 2010

I'm Legit (kinda)

Well.. I'm back, and I'm in. Basically I went through a week of orientation, psych eval., interviews, and horror stories of all that can go wrong on the mission field. One quick example, Individuals get sick or have break downs when their stress levels get to 200 (i don't know what scale), missionaries maintain stress levels around 600.
A few more details, They offered me an appointment as a full time missionary, under the conditions that I:
* read Bonding,
* get 6-10 hrs of counseling,
* come up with a detailed plan of what I would do in Papua New Guinea,
* attend one more week of pre-field training,
* upon arrival in PNG go through a language/culture orientation,
* and raise my own support.

Overall the week was great and difficult, God really pointed out some things in my life I need to deal with, not to mention my personal relationship with Christ is lacking.
This agency (Pioneers) really does believe in grace, I kinda could not believe it, (i often don't expect it) but they are truly ok with imperfect and broken people who are being sanctified, i can't get enough of that.
I imagine that my goal is to be on a one way flight to PNG in about 18 months-ish.
I covet your prayers and blessings as I move forward.


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